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Спасибо большое)))) Не ожидал что кто-то снимет

Excellent idea and neat environment design with very disappointing execution in mechanics. 

First of, I have to say, the menu design is superb. The intro to the game peaked my interest so much so, that I kept on playing, wanting more, even with that "rotation" mechanic present. The sound design, foot steps, hiding spots are elevating the atmosphere, which made me wonder how amazing the game could have been without the "issues".

Now, as I mentioned, the "rotation" - not a good mechanic. I fully understand the esthetic and that 1970-1990s vibe that you wanted for the game, I admire the dedication, but we are no longer in that era and the games are better off with the mouse control or even fixed camera angles. Understand that the visual style is different from the actual mechanics - you can make a PSX, old retro style environment, but keep the player experience the same with regular controls. At least, that's my opinion and my stance. If someone finds the game more creepy and intuitive, I fully support their opinion and do agree, but practically - rotation needs to be changed and you might implement the mouse control. I did however like the flash light mechanic, which light up only while you were walking, that's very smart. 

Overall, good game, interesting premise, but the rotation is not my cup of tea. Wish all the best with the future projects. Cheers! 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much for your reply and for all the remarks, I really appreciate that; however, I didn't understand your comment about the flashlight, I thought you can toggle it whenever you want :), maybe that's a bug

This is my first horror game ever, so thank you for a detailed review!

Thanks for reply. I thought it was part of the game. When I click on the flashlight it doesn't stay. Once I start running it forces me to click away and I am in darkness again. It didn't bother me at all, because the "rotation" was really the issue. 
Good luck with the game ✌

bu   good    wan

Nice well done

Thank you!